The Bus Shelter MK has a total of 21 beds across Milton Keynes.
George House in Stantonbury provides a temporary home for a maximum of nine people, and we have designed it to be a safe place for our guests to sleep and socialise.
As well as individual bedrooms, George House provides a bright and airy kitchen/dining room, lounge, shower facilities and a laundry area.
We aim to give all our guests a sense of hope and dignity, enabling them to recover from the trauma of street homelessness and get their lives back on track.
Recognising their importance to their lives, guests are able to keep their pets with them, with the animals becoming much loved members of our community.
We also have three move on homes offering an additional twelve bedrooms. When our guests are ready to leave George House the move on homes enable them to live more independently with continued support, customised to their individual needs.